Job description

Data Production Departmentでは、自社開発の合成開口レーダー(SAR)・StriX衛星シリーズを運用管理するシステム、および衛星から取得した観測データを顧客へ販売するデータサービスの設計、開発、運用を担っています。
本ユニットでは、StriX衛星シリーズが取得した観測データを顧客に販売、提供するためのシステム(Data platform)の開発、運用を担当しています。Data platformは顧客と衛星データを繋ぐシステムのため、ビジネスのハブになる役割を担っています。
< 担当業務 >
本ポジションでは、Data platformの開発、運用全般を担当していただきます。
-冗長性、セキュリティーを確保したData platformの設計、開発
※長期的目線での業務変更の範囲:Data Production 部内
< 仕事の魅力 >
昨今では、政府主導の宇宙開発から民間主体へと移行する動きが活発になっています。しかし、民間が主体でできるほどビジネスとして確立しているわけではありません。Data platformは、その特性上、セールスチームや衛星チーム、Solutionチームなど会社を横断したコミュニケーションをリードしながら開発していく必要があります。

The Data Production Department is responsible for the design, development, and operation of the systems that operate and manage our in-house developed Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and StriX satellite series, as well as the data services that sell the observation data obtained from the satellites to customers.

This unit is responsible for the development and operation of a system (data platform) for selling and providing observation data acquired by the StriX satellite series to customers. The data platform is a system that connects customers with satellite data and therefore plays the role of being the hub of our business.

In this position, you will be responsible for the overall development and operation of the Data Platform.

in particular:

- Interact with sales team and customers to flesh out requirements

-Design and development of a data platform that ensures redundancy and security

-The position will focus on back-end development, but will also be responsible for front-end and infrastructure development as needed.

<The appeal of the job>

Recently, there has been a movement to shift from government-led space development to private-sector leadership. However, the business has not yet been established enough for the private sector to take the lead. Due to its characteristics, the data platform needs to be developed while leading communication across the company, including the sales team, satellite team, and solution team.

You will gain experience in leading others and driving development forward in an unknown business field.



-toC, toBによらず顧客向けサービスの一機能の要件定義を行った経験
-Node.js, typescriptを用いた開発経験、もしくは3言語以上の開発経験
-小規模開発チームのマネジメント経験 (2-4名)
- A desire to approach unknown fields and problems without clear answers with curiosity
- Experience in defining requirements for a function of a customer-facing service, regardless of whether it is toC or toB
- Development experience using Node.js, typescript, or development experience using 3 or more languages
- Experience developing on GCP or AWS
- Conversational level of English or a desire to work in an English-speaking environment
- Experience in operating in-house services
- Experience managing a small development team (2-4 people)
- Experience developing with NestJS
- Front-end development experience
- Experience in creating documents and building management systems
- Technical support experience


Job details

Job type
Full time
Job category
Job location
¥7,000,000 ~ ¥9,000,000
Language requirement
Japanese (Native), English (Conversation)
Information Technology
Working hours
9:00 - 18:00
Probation period
3 months

About the company

Our client is a spacetech start-up that utilizes data to offer business solutions.


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